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The Full Story


At the age of 20 I began working in holistic medicine as a medical assistant. I then went on to nursing school and have worked as an RN for 13+ years primarily in the Emergency Room and as an RN Educator. During my years as an RN at the bedside I had always had this nagging question “why aren’t we doing more to keep these people from getting sick in the first place?” 


Then one day it finally clicked….


From a young age I was very active. Playing every sport I possibly could get into, learning everything I could about nutrition, fitness and how to live a healthy lifestyle, I knew we had the answer to my question. Finally, after years of fighting the system, I branched out on my own to help provide an answer to my decade long question and created KiraNicholeCoaching, LLC. 

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Now my mission is to help people, like you, reach optimal health, feel good, and live the way we were designed to….energetic, minimal to no pain/complications, clear thinking, and overall feeling great! 

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Optimal Health

Instead of fighting a system that can oftentimes leave patients feeling defeated and left without answers on how to get better, I now get to work with clients to find their root cause through in depth assessments, including down to the genetic level, to help clients optimize their health and get the results that will last.

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